- TEL: 072-729-8332
- FAX: 072-729-8387
Privacy Policy
At MITAKA SUPPLY CO. LTD, we are strongly aware of the importance of customers’ personal information, and committed to privacy protection and the prudent handling of personal information.
When we request confidential information from our customers, we ask customers to read and understand the following Privacy Policy, designed for strict confidentiality.
Collection and Use of Personal Information
To serve its customers better, MITAKA SUPPLY CO. LTD may ask customers to supply certain personal information, including name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address. When we request the information, we clearly indicate the purposes for which the information is to be used, limiting the scope as far as possible, and use the information only within the scope of applications stated.
In order to achieve the objectives stated, MITAKA SUPPLY CO. LTD may entrust the use of the personal information to an outside contractor or partner. The personal information is used as part of the company’s efforts to keep its customers informed at all times; only after we obtain customers’ consent, MITAKA SUPPLY CO. LTD and/or the contractor/partner company occasionally provide the customer with the kind of information we consider useful or interesting to customers, by e-mail or other means. If a customer no longer wishes to receive such information, the customer can request its suspension at any time, and we will stop its transmission accordingly.
Disclosure and Provision of Personal Information
MITAKA SUPPLY CO. LTD does not disclose or provide to any third party the personal information submitted by the customer on this website, except in the following cases:
- 1.The customer consents to the disclosure/provision.
- 2.MITAKA SUPPLY CO. LTD needs to disclose the information to a contractor with which it has concluded a confidentiality agreement, for purposes that are clearly specified to the customer.
- 3.The information is used as aggregate statistical data, in a form that cannot be used to identify the customer.
- 4.A judicial investigative authority demands disclosure of the personal information, in accordance with due process under the law.
Appropriate Handling of Personal Information
In handling customers’ personal information, MITAKA SUPPLY CO. LTD appoints managers with clear lines of responsibility, and establishes a stringent system of controls. Strict and comprehensive measures are taken to prevent any loss, damage, tampering, leak or any other undesirable incident with respect to the personal information.
MITAKA SUPPLY CO. LTD also establishes appropriate and rational controls and safety measures to prevent unlawful access by outside parties, and to prevent the leaking of personal information from inside.
To improve the service provided through this website, MITAKA SUPPLY CO. LTD sometimes entrusts the operation of certain services to outside contractors. In such cases, we ensure that said contractors maintain the same level of care as ours in the handling of customers’ personal information.
Respect for Privacy for the Rights of Customers who Provided Personal Information
Customers who wish to view, amend or delete some or any of their personal information held by MITAKA SUPPLY CO. LTD are asked to contact the company. We will take reasonable steps to respond to such requests in a timely manner.
Compliance with the Law and Guidelines
MITAKA SUPPLY CO. LTD strives at all times to protect customers’ personal information, and to impress on its directors and employees the importance of protecting personal information.
We take all possible steps to comply with the law regarding protection of customers’ personal information. We revise the above framework as necessary, in a continual effort to improve and strengthen it.